Hotel le 830

Things to see in Namur

HotelGeneral infoThings to see in Namur

Things to see in Namur center

  • The Saint-Aubain Cathedral
  • The Saint-Loup Church
  • The Citadel of Namur, its Terra Nova Visitor Center and its underground passages
  • The Belgian Digital Pavilion (from the 2015 Milan Expo)
  • The Queen Fabiola Amusement Park (amusement park for small children)
  • The cable car and the little tourist train
  • The Walloon Parliament
  • The Elysette (seat of the Walloon Government)
  • Le Delta  (The Culture House)
  • The Esplanade du Grognon and its foot & cycle bridge (the Enjambée)
  • The confluence of the Sambre and Meuse and its Namourette (river shuttle)
  • The Royal Theater
  • The multimodal train & bus station
  • The Marie Louise Park
  • The Félicien Rops Museum
  • The African Museum
  • The Treasure of Hugo d'Oignies
  • The Namur Casino
  • The fort d’Emines (place of memory of the great war)
  • The Grand Manège (Namur Concert Hall and Conservatory)
  • The future Law courts.
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01/03/22Read more
Hotel le 830

Distances to the main tourist activities around Namur

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02/03/22Read more